The Theory Test
Although you may already be taking lessons or even be ready to take your practical test, you can not apply for your practical test until you have passed the theory test.
The theory test is made up of two parts; a multiple choice questionnaire and a hazard perception video test. You will need to pass both parts to get your certificate.
Only once you have passed this can you apply to take your practical driving test.
Find your local theory test centre here.
The actual theory test questions are no longer published which means that those found in revision materials of any kind will give you an idea of the questions and answers to expect but will NOT be exactly the same as those you will face during the test itself.
This change was introduced to ensure you gain a better understanding of driving theory rather than simply memorising questions and answers.
Before you start the hazard perception part of the test, you'll be shown a short video clip about how it works before being shown a series of video clips on a computer screen. The clips feature everyday road scenes and contain at least one developing hazard - but one of the clips will feature two developing hazards.
A developing hazard is something that may result in you having to take some action, such as changing speed or direction and what you need to do is identify these as early as possible to get as high a score as possible (max 5 per clip).